The Zeus system is the first developed system to successfully excise follicles of any shape or texture, regardless of the patient’s ethnic background or genetic make-up. The UGraft system features an optional self-lubricating punch tip that hydrates each graft at the point of excision. This creates a protective water seal that prevents graft death via desiccation. While in operation, the punch lubrication enhances the punch’s self-guiding functionality.
Some patients may need to conserve hair follicles for future procedures. Once a graft is damaged, it becomes unusable and cannot be replaced. Every single follicle counts, hence why here at Westminster Medical Group we micromanage your donor hair taking into account potential future usage of your finite supply of hair.
Patients cannot afford to have their donor grafts wasted, especially in cases where more procedures may be necessary later on in life. The advanced hybrid design of the Zeus’ intelligent punch features a cutting vector that faces away from the delicate follicle shaft and bulb. The only part of the punch that touches the follicular unit is a dull, curved surface.
Below is an example of how conventional punches require exact alignment for graft extraction. Even the most minute misalignment results in a transected and unusable hair graft.
No surgery is truly scar-free – if an incision is made, the skin will need to heal. The UGraft, however, certainly comes close with its technology designed to optimise wound healing. Like all FUE hair transplant procedures, grafts are extracted as individual follicular units. This avoids the linear scar often seen on the back of the head after a strip surgery. FUE punches create individual wounds that leave a less noticeable scar compared to the older method of follicular unit strip surgery that creates a linear scar in its wake. The UGraft with its Intelligent Punch is designed to impose a puncture wound that is notably less everted than those left by the other FUE punches of the past. The visual impact of scarring after a UGraft hair transplant is much less cosmetically visible than other FUE hair transplant methods due to its unique punch design.
Book your free consultation with our expert hair surgeons directly.
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You’ll discover…
✅ Essential tips for hair care in the early recovery stages
✅ Must-know facts about hair shedding and growth cycles
✅ Transplant procedure costs
✅ How to handle work and social interactions after your procedure